Every place you look and the aisles of the supermarket filled with magazines and infomercials and commercials publicizing the latest and greatest diet that will give you the body of your dreams. Because of this so many people are trying diet after diet. Only to lose weight and then again it all back again and most of the times they will gain even more weight back then they originally lost. A lot of the diets that are touted as the greatest diet to lose weight fast are diets that are either restricting calories to a very low amount or they are just high-protein diets. So when you go back to eating your regular diet your body just stores a tremendous amount of fact. Choose fat. It does this because it thinks that you were starving during the time of your dieting.
So when this article I am going to give you five keys to follow in order to achieve safe and effective weight loss.
Make Exercise Part of Your Daily Routine.
Forget about going to the gym two hours each and every day. Most of us can lose a ton of weight just by walking or riding a stationary bike 60 minutes every day. Make sure that during the day to perform short burst of higher intensity exercise. You can easily do this by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You could also do this by jogging or running up the stairs in your house a few times a day. The walking or riding a stationary bike for 60 minutes every day will burn the fat off of your body and the higher intensity short duration activities will actually increase your muscle density. So this combination of low intensity higher duration exercise combined with high intensity shorter duration activities will give you the best results in achieving maximum weight loss and developing a lean tone body.
Stay Away from the Pasta and Pizza and Bread at Dinner Time.
Because almost everyone does not follow a sound nutritional dietary program by the end of the day they are starving and craving food. The problem is that most of us will grab the easiest and quickest thing there is to eat. Usually this will be pizzas, hoagies and everything else that is considered a starchy carbohydrate. These types of starchy carbohydrates offer new nutrition to our body. So we will keep on eating and eating until the nutritional needs of the body are met. Therefore, you will have to eat four slices of pizza in order to feel somewhat satisfied as opposed to eating a meal of nice lean proteins like chicken or fish and lots of healthy nutritious vegetables.
Keep Your Body Confused by Changing Your Exercise Routines Every 4 to 6 Weeks.
Our bodies are totally amazing machines and quickly adapt to any physical stresses that we put upon it. Because of this we have to change the type of exercises, the levels of intensity and even amount of time we spend exercising every 4 to 6 weeks in order to continue the weight loss process.
Do Not Skip Meals
If you're mother is like mine I am sure that she told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Guess what? Mom was right! If you don't eat a meal consisting of a nice quality source of protein within the first 60 minutes of waking up your body will go on a starvation mode and everything you eat during the rest of the day will be stored as fat. After breakfast make sure that you eat a nice nutritious snack or meal every 3 to 4 hours. This will keep your body in fat burning mode. This will also keep your appetite under control and will prevent you from binging.
Smaller meals throughout the day will keep you looking lean and sexy.
Your Energy Levels Vary so Should Your Exercise Intensity Levels.
Some days you will be full of energy and other days you might feel totally exhausted. So let's keep it simple and on the days that you don't have any energy keep the intensity level of your exercises low. If you wake up, and you happen to be full of energy than try to do more of a high intensity workout that day. Your body needs to be active each and every day. So don't let a mental fog or a lackluster energy day keep you from achieving your weight loss goals.
So there you have the five keys to fast weight loss. Not only will this weight loss be fast it will also be permanent if you make these lifestyle changes.
If following a program like this just seems to be overwhelming that would recommend that you consult with a weight loss specialist.
Weight loss is so much easier now because of great appetite suppressant medications and nutritional supplementation. So if you need help keeping your appetite under control I suggest that you consult with a medical weight loss physician.
One of the most effective appetite suppressant medications than I know of is Phentermine. Now Phentermine is a prescription medication so you will have to see a medical physician who takes care of weight loss patients.
The easiest way to find such a Doctor is to ask your Family Doctor. If your doctor cannot recommend a medical weight loss specialist then you could always Google medical weight loss and then your city. An example of this would be you could Google "Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia" and Google will provide you with a list of medical weight loss specialist in Philadelphia.